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Hazel was rescued from a public shelter in Romania by Every Life Counts – and named Evie. She looked very different as her hair was long and very matted and her sad eyes peeped out from under a tangled mess.  

She was transformed by a complete coat clip which revealed her beautiful and unusual hazel coloured eyes –but also revealed some mammary lumps. After surgery (a one-sided mammary strip), little Hazel was given the ‘all clear’ by a vet and arrived at PJAH. She was named Hazel as there is already a dog called Evie at the sanctuary. She is estimated to be over 10 years old so she is a mature little lady who would prefer a quieter home where she can relax and enjoy feeling safe and loved. 

Hazel found a home with a man who lived on his own by the sea (and was renamed Penny). She loved her daily beach walks but didn’t like the children who played too loudly and too close to her home. She became stressed and irritated by them and started to show her dislike of little people to the point where the man became concerned that she would someday chase and bite a child. Hazel is now back at PJ and shares her home with Arwa, an older, quiet, female dog. 

Hazel is a small terrier type dog of around 10-12kg. She is a little ‘chunky monkey’ who loves her food – she also loves walks, zoomies, her humans, attention, and her bed! Hazel doesn’t like dogs that boss her around or get in ‘her space’, little people, fast moving objects/people, strangers and cats. She is actually fine with most dogs and good with the people she knows.  

Hazel is a cheeky little character who makes humans smile. She is very loving to the people she bonds with and will roll over and wait for a tummy tickle. Her eyes are beautiful - she likes to look her human in the eyes and will often stretch up with her paws on her human’s knees for a cuddle and a chat.  She has an endearing ’woo woo’ which she uses to get attention and when she is excited. 

Hazel has nipped. Not long after she arrived, she nipped a person who rushed by her when she was
sleeping and she nipped a stranger who got too close and tried to fuss her.  She has also snapped at people and also dogs who invade her space. But don’t let that put you off because she really isn’t an aggressive dog. Hazel just needs a little understanding and a little space – she needs humans to respect her feelings and not assume that she wants to meet strange people and be fussed by them, or play with strange dogs. 

Out of her comfort zone and familiar surroundings Hazel is nervous - but once she is comfortable and knows she is safe, she is quite a confident little dog. That’s when her fun side comes out with zoomies, cheeky monkey smiles and a playful nature. She really is the most endearing little girl who just wants to be loved and have her own safe space where she can sleep undisturbed. She does enjoy going for walks but she also finds it stressful when she meets other dogs and people - she would actually enjoy a large garden and lots of human interaction through games, attention and cuddles. She would be ok as an only dog in a new home although she is also used to being with other dogs so could potentially live with others after careful introductions (she would probably become The Boss!).