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TOPSY is our mysterious girl...

Imagine a pair of deep thinking eyes, peeping out frombehind a dark veil – and that’s our girl Topsy!

Topsy was born in Greece and was caught by the dog catchers when she was just a tiny puppy. Her fate was to be discarded in a public shelter for the rest of her life and her home was a concrete pen which she shared with a dog called Toast, and they viewed the world through metal bars. They weren’t allowed a blanket, straw or even a bed.

Years passed and Toast was offered a home with a family in the UK. Topsy, now aged around 5, was left alone in the pen, hiding in the shadows. Was this to be her forever home? NO!

Topsy arrived at PJ and has a large grass paddock to explore, other dog friends to interact with, and a safe kennel (with a cosy bed!) to hide in when she chooses to. She is taller than a labrador, slender, and about 30kg. She loves food and, in particular, treats! When treats are on offer, Topsy likes to sneak up behind the other dogs and then, as quick as anything, she will expertly pinch all the biscuits before the other dogs get a chance! She shows no aggression whatsoever to other dogs or to people.

Everything Topsy experiences is new to her - grass, a bed, freedom, the quiet, a gentle touch from a kind volunteer. Topsy remains shy of people but she is a big softie really who is scared of her own shadow. She is improving all the time and has learnt to accept and give affection to the people who know her although she still prefers to hide in the shadows if a stranger approaches. She is happy with her world at PJ and it is hugely different to Greece, but we do believe that this tall beauty could adapt to a home environment. It will take time and patience, but we think Topsy is ready for it. In a new home, Topsy will be shy - but we have seen just how much progress she has made at PJ and everything she has learnt will be transferred to her new family. She will need somebody with lots of patience and time; somebody who can slowly introduce Topsy to the world around her new home and slowly expand her horizons.

There is no doubt that another confident dog in the new home would help her immensely. Topsy loves to play with other dogs so she would appreciate a friend in her new home too. She has not been cat tested and, as she is a shy girl, we would not place her in a home with children as she needs a calm and quiet environment to give her the opportunity to shine. Topsy is good on a lead, a bit cautious (as to be expected from a shy girl), and gentle. If she sees something she is unsure of, she freezes – however, with gentle kind encouragement, the walk can continue again. She is an adult dog with little experience of the wider world. She doesn’t necessarily need a dog experienced family, but she does need a kind, gentle and patient home with people who are willing to work at her pace (slow!) and will accept her for who she is and not expect too much too soon. Every little achievement should be celebrated as the huge milestone that it is for our precious mysterious girl whose puppyhood and formative years were stolen by the dog catchers.