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ARWA was born in Bosnia in 2009 and she lived in ashelter. It was quite a nice shelter and some of the workers liked to try and make the dogs “home ready” by spending time with them, socialising them, and taking them for walks. The shelter workers did their best with limited time and resources but, sadly, Arwa spent all those precious years of her life in that shelter, and she remained invisible to potential adopters even though she was promoted.

The shelters workers describe Arwa is wise and say that she learnt to appreciate the little things in her life that mean so much to her - such as the tiniest bit of attention. She quickly learnt that a collar and lead meant going for a walk and her smile and tail wags showed how much she enjoyed those walks.

Arwa is only a small dog – no more than knee high against an average adult. She is slim and has a thin coat which will probably improve with lots of grooming and good quality nutrition. She recently visited the vet and had a dental – Arwa is in good health and her teeth are great for a mature little lady. Arwa has a short tail - we don’t know if it was chopped off, in an accident, or perhaps she was born that way - but we do know that it waggles just as well as a long tail! Being a little dog, Arwa could have many years ahead of her to enjoy her new life and, hopefully, a home of her own.

When Arwa was offered the chance of a new life in the UK along with an older dog called Maggie, the shelter workers were so pleased for them and both dogs arrived at PJ in mid July. Toothless old lady Maggie was more confident than Arwa and was quickly offered a home – Arwa continues to wait...

Arwa is a happy little girl who gets on well with other dogs and, with her laid back nature, she might be fine with cats too (although she hasn’t been tested). She is a quiet gentle girl who is a little unsure in new situations and arrived with a look in her eyes that suggests she might spook if startled – and for that reason alone, we have kept her on a lead in the fields. In the sanctuary gardens and secure yards, she is always off lead and is very happy to mooch about and just enjoy her freedom and the company of the volunteers. Arwa also likes to say hello to the other dogs. We haven’t seen Arwa with young children but we think she would hate a noisy boisterous home – she could possibly be homed to a family with older children although she would need her own quiet space to escape to. Arwa has always lived with other dogs and t

Arwa walks well with a lead and collar although we currently walk her in a little harness. She is a ‘sniffer’ and very much follows her nose – occasionally remembering to take interest in her world beyond the end of her nose! She doesn’t really pull on the lead but enjoys the freedom of an extended lead in the fields so that she can follow those interesting smells! We haven’t yet taken her on the roads.

Arwa has really kind eyes that reflect her wise and kind soul. She is an absolutely delightful little lady who asks for nothing but gives lots of tail wags, smiles and love – the lucky person who opens up their home
to her will be rewarded with a real sweetheart of a companion.