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P.U.P. Preventing Unwanted Puppies 

Neutering of animals is something that most people are familiar with - it is when an animal’s reproductive tract is removed in full, or in part. More recently, chemical neutering has also become available although its effects are
short lived. 

There is much controversy over what age is best to neuter and historically it was recommended that any male pet over 4 months of age should be neutered, whereas females should wait until after their first season. Nowadays, many people have strong views on the subject and some say that neutering should not be done until the pet reaches a certain age and is fully mature.  Do you want to know what Toto thinks? 

Toto says – “P.U.P. - Just do it and Prevent Unwanted Puppies! Get those animals neutered as soon as possible because 'accidents' happen and then those 'accidents' suffer."

* When the dog population is increasing and the world can't find enough adopters – PUP 

* When the quantity of puppies being born into the world is unsustainable – PUP

* When dogs are starving to death on a daily basis and literally fighting to survive – PUP

* When puppies are born into appalling conditions and spend every living moment suffering – PUP

* When the rescues are full to bursting – PUP

* When the kill shelters are full and the killing starts (to make room for all the new captures) – PUP

* When innocents are born at puppy farms to line the pockets of corrupt humans – PUP

* When puppies are sold for gold and then dumped on the streets because they are 'disposable' – PUP

* When many healthy dogs are being euthanized daily because there is nowhere for them to go – PUP

The Penny Jones Animal Hospice is proud to introduce a new scheme, PUP, which runs alongside our existing SAS scheme. For a £25 donation specifically towards PUP, we will ensure that your donation pays towards the sterilisation of a dog abroad. Sterilisation of one dog costs £50.00 and that includes the immediate aftercare of the dog until it is well enough to be released (typically 2 days after the operation). We have agreed to work with just a small number of rescues who we trust with 100% certainty to help the dog(s) most in need. We will receive
details of the dog(s) being sterilised and a photo which we will share on our Facebook page, along with the name of the person who donated (if they agree). 

Details of the SAS scheme (Save another Susie) can be found on our website – 

If anyone wishes to join either scheme, please send your donation to PJAH, detailing either PUP or SAS. Toto and all those continually pregnant and nursing bitches, woof their thanks to you.

Bye for now, love Toto x