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MOLLY wriggled her way into the heart of a chap who was watching her rescue in Romania, via Facebook. Ian lived fairly locally to PJ and knew Elizabeth, and Elizabeth knew the overseas rescue promoting Molly - so it was meant to be that Molly came to PJAH. She arrived in April 2021 and Ian met her at the first opportunity and her new home was guaranteed. 

Molly and Ian soon grew inseparable and, although it was a learning curve for both of them, they were so happy to share their lives together. Molly loved being outside in the garden and Ian’s neighbours got to know her over the garden fence. She was showered with love and care and she was a happy, happy girl who always had the company of Ian and the neighbours. 

Tragically, Ian died suddenly and Molly came back to the other home she knew, and back to Elizabeth at PJ in early July 2022. Ian’s neighbours enquired after her and wanted to offer her a home as she is very much loved – but unfortunately it wasn’t to be. 

Molly was understandably withdrawn when came back to PJ and she lived in the house while she once again bonded with Elizabeth and some of the PJ volunteers. For the first few days, Molly was slumped in her bed with huge sad eyes and a bewildered lost look etched on her face. But, as the days passed, Molly soon began to acclimatise to her new surroundings and her big heavy tail wagged and her eyes started to shine again. Molly is only around 5 years old and although she is enjoying her freedom and friends at PJ, we would like to see her in a new home. 

Molly had previously been scared of leads and collars and Ian had been unable to progress her lead/collar/harness training - which was also not really needed for their particular home circumstances. However, Elizabeth is slowly getting Molly used to a collar, a harness and a lead. Molly is a little way off going for a walk on a lead as she currently ‘plants’ her feet after a few steps – but we will keep working with her and it would be fantastic if her new family would take on the commitment too and maybe Molly will eventually learn to walk on a lead (but, equally she may not as she is one of those dogs that, at the moment, really only feels safe in her own environment). 

Molly is a quiet, gentle and reserved girl who is currently living with two other older dogs and is surrounded by other dogs and animals at the sanctuary – she has never ever shown any aggression whatsoever. She does like to be outside and currently has the freedom of a large grass paddock all day every day - so she really needs a garden in her new home and maybe a gentle dog friend too (although not essential if her new owner is home most of the time). Molly is not an active or energetic dog – she really enjoys her freedom to amble and snuffle about but the most energy she currently expends is when she gets excited to see people she knows or at feed times -  then her whole body wriggles and wags, along with her chunky tail! 

Molly is quite a large dog, weighing around 30/35kg (chunky labrador sized!). She has been treated for heartworm previously and is fully vaccinated and spayed. Molly does not like cats and will chase them out of her garden! She could live with older kind children aged 12+. Overall, Molly is just a quiet gentle soul who is undemanding, dog and people friendly (although a little shy of new people/dogs) and is so deserving of her own special home filled with love and tender loving care.