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AHWOOooooooooooo! Tee hee, I'm so happy! Exhausted - but happy!

It's been incredibly busy here for MONTHS now, with builders coming and going, deliveries of things of all shapes and sizes, visitors and volunteers who mutter to themselves and dash here there and everywhere carrying things, moving things, measuring things... And then - 'IT' happened... The PJ Open Day!

You know what? It almost didn't happen because the special lady called Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II... well she died suddenly and My Mum had to decide if it was 'right' to cancel the Open Day or to go ahead. It was a difficult decision but because Her Majesty was a great animal lover - especially of dogs - the Open Day went ahead but with a few moments quiet to stop and think about the extraordinary and irreplaceable person who was The Queen and a lovely tree has been planted especially for Her Majesty.

There were lots of new people at the Open Day and lots of enquiries about the dogs that are looking for homes. We were surprised at the number of enquiries and were blushing with pride at the huge number of compliments about how great the sanctuary is looking. The building works seem to have been going on f o r e v e r and there is still more to do. I think we will continue to be busy busy busy until the winter takes over and the weather stops work.

The Cat Village was officiallly opened by our lovely Patron Miss J, whose smile was as bright as the sunshine that peeped through! The pigs caught the attention of all the visitors and Juniper & Bubbles stole the piggy-show. I sat on my chair and looked important but I remembered to smile and get excited when I needed to while Lilly just snored in her bed. Next door, Bailey was rather stressed by all the visitors and even though he was able to hide in his blankets, I also helped by keeping him company through the mesh that separates us while My Mum and the other volunteers kept a careful watch over all of the animals. I recognised a young lad called Rowan who visited us last Open Day too and he lingered quite a while - especially when he saw Hazel in the kennel next to me and I think he was quite smitten with her cheeky hairy face and twinkling hazel coloured eyes.

The bouncers did a sterling job of making sure everybody had a great time and they seemed to enjoy their refreshments from the village hall. There were visits from old friends that used to live with me here at PJ and it was really nice to catch up with them and their adopters too. The visiting dogs all looked fantastic with glossy coats and wagging tails and it's lovely that they still remember me, even though some left here quite a few years ago. Some visitors live hours away so it was really kind of them to travel all that way just to see me - oh, and to see and the other animals - oh, and My Mum too.

The village hall was stacked with lots of happy smiles, spectacular crafts and cakes, jars of scrummy preserves and lots of interesting books too. There was so much to see and do and we all had an amazing day! Afterwards, I thought we would be slowing down and getting back to the times before the building works but, oh no! My Mum says we now need to catch up on the normal chores before the next lot of building work starts...

'Til next time, bye for now,

love Toto xx